A Message from the Principal » A Message from Mrs. Hoynes

A Message from Mrs. Hoynes

December 20, 2024


We had a lot of fun throughout the holiday season at Lake. Our 4th graders did a great job at their Holiday Program and so many families attended Pizza with Santa.  Also, thank you for all the canned food donations.  Many families across the community will benefit from them and in turn, our students received a school-wide pizza party. 


When we return from break, we will be in the third grading period and will begin winter iready assessments. We will also take time the first week back to explicitly re-teach expected classroom and school behaviors.  It’s that time of year where we need to give the students a refresher on these important things. We will celebrate many students that have demonstrated RESPONSIBILITY with iReady at the quarterly awards breakfast on Friday, January 10th.  Students should have received an invitation if they are being recognized. We will also have another house color day that Friday because we’ll have our third quarter house huddle.


I hope you’re able to take time to celebrate the holiday with family and friends and do some relaxing. Thank you for your continued support of our school.  We will return from break on Monday, January 6, 2025.  Have a very Merry Christmas!




Mrs. Laurie Hoynes